Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Perks of Finding New Sources

Each time I go to the library, I spend more time in there than I originally planned. There are so many options to choose from and it takes a while for me to narrow down my choices. I'd also like to thanks the wonderful librarians who have helped me along the way. Without them, I would still be pretty lost. Searching for more sources can be difficult but that's how you know you're getting somewhere. Trying out different ones to see if they work or not is part of the process. Familiarizing myself with the library has also helped me tremendously in my researching. The more I visit, the better I get at this!

Here's my updated thesis statement: (still want to change it a bit...)

The concepts incorporated in the novel The Perks of Being a Wallflower are equally expressed in the film adaptation which was directed by the author Stephen Chbosky, making the film and novel necessary to each other for the complete experience of the story.

Here's my updated annotated bibliography:

Kroenert, Tim. Sad Stories of Teenage Trauma. Richmind: Eureka Street, 2012. 57-8. Web

It explains how it is not just another teen drama and also how music plays a central role in the novel. It also states that the novel was published by MTV, which explains the music emphasis.

Dean, Kenda Creasy. Practicing Passion: Youth and the Quest for a Passionate Church. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2004. Print.
This source could be interesting because it talks about religion and the need to better apply it to teens. According to this, more methods should be involved that include relating popular teen culture and Christ together. This intrigues me because incorporating things teens are interested in with other uncommon things they don’t usually like can actually work.

Brook, Michael. The Perks of Being a Wallflower: Original Motion Picture Sountrack. New York, Summit Entertainment Records, 2012. CD.
This is the soundtrack to for the motion picture of the novel which is based on the novel and influenced by music, according to the author. The song “Heroes” by David Bowie is an obsession of the characters and provides more for the understand of who they are. The music in the novel gives details that couldn't be written but instead heard and comprehended.

Swanson, Dena Phillips. Adolescence: Development During a Global Era. Boston: Elsevier Academic Press, 2010. Print.
The novel consists of only teenage characters and their relationships with each other. Their state of mind is relevant. The way they think about and of each other is very unique. This textbook goes into the stages of the teenage way of thinking which is very apparent in the novel.

Giordano, Peggy C. “Annual Review of Sociology” Relationships in Adolescence. Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, 2003. Print.

This source talks about the dichotomy between close friends and romantic partners. They differ in treatment depending on how the teen feels toward the other. In the novel, relationships are constantly tossed around between friends and lovers which cause complications. Analyzing these interactions with the help of this review would definitely be beneficial.

Richardson, Robert D. Literature and Film. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1969. Print.

This source analyzes lot of comparison between films and writing. It gives insights into the similarities and differences between the two while also sharing their benefits. I would use this source as a backup for my argument in terms of describing the relationship between the two.

Elliot, Kamilla. Rethinking the Novel/Film Debate. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Print.

It discusses the various arguments that are debated when looking at a novel and film. There is more than one point of view that I can share in my paper. This source points out new ways of thinking for me.

Geraghty, Christine. Now a Major Motion Picture: Film Adaptaions of Literature and Drama. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2008. Print.

This source is applicable to my paper because the novel I'm writing on is a drama. It goes into how dramas are portrayed on the big screen and how they make it interesting for the audience. This supports the idea of Stephen Chbosky directing and writing Perks.

My next thing to do is probably organize these sources. I have lots of ideas and points that I need to get across so now I have to find a good way to express these in my paper. When I make another paper draft, I need to figure out how I'm going to incorporate these sources. Looking at the strongest and the not so strong I will decide how I will use them in my analysis of the work.


  1. Your paper sounds so fun, I'm really excited to read it when you're done! I was actually just at home looking at books and I found the book my dad published about adaptation theory and I thought you might want to take a look at it, since you're dealing directly with the adaptation of a book into a movie and comparing them. The library link is You sound like you're having fun and making progress, good for you!

    1. Thank you Kate! Really appreciate the help :)

    2. I'm glad you recommended your father's book. Very apt for Jose's purpose!

  2. I'm so glad I read your thesis! I have a better idea of how to format my own comparison thing to make both of them more dependent on each other like you said. I think one way to make your thesis a little stronger would be to be more specific in how both the novel and the adaptation are dependent on each other and how they complete the "experience of the story".
