Monday, March 31, 2014

In Betweens

Question: How is my paper coming?

Answer: Not extremely well.

Why? Because the past two weeks have been an exam-and-essay-filled nightmare.

BUT there is a bright star on the horizon. (No, not one of Keats's "bright stars"-- one a lot less exciting.) I plan on meeting with a professor of Historical American Lit today at three to discuss women and colonialism and I am praaayyyiiinnggg something in our conversation sparks a new idea or angle because, dear friends, I am FRESH OUT.

If anyone has any interesting sources I could explore about women and colonialism, I will give you the greatest high-five the universe has ever known.

1 comment:

  1. Misery love company and I feel like we could be best friends right now! I understand all too well about a nightmarish couple of weeks!... I just did a google search and found an article that may be talking about what you are (not for sure, i haven't been following you...) But I just copied and pasted the sources THEY used for THEIR article.. maybe you could glean something. Good luck! You'll rock this!

    Brown, Kathleen M., "Good Wives, Nasty Wenches & Anxious Patriarchs." The University of North Carolina Press, 1996

    Carmody, Catherine, "Indentured Service and the Roots of Slavery." Cobblestone Magazine, April 1994.

    Davis, David Brion, "Slavery in the Colonial Chesapeake". The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1997

    Harris, Forrest, "The Jamestown Settlement". Bicast Publishing Co. 1995
